Comfort & Sedation

Your Comfort Is Our Top Priority!


Approximately 9-15% or 30-40 million Americans experience dental phobia and avoid ever seeing a dentist. Sedation dentistry, also called conscious sedation, allows you to be relaxed with the aid of a drug, taken through an IV or by mouth. The team at Dr. Fiorica's office has extensive training in sedation. We use sedation for many reasons: to eliminate anxiety with little to no memory of the procedure, to perform treatment in less time, and to make your overall experience a pleasant one.

Oral Sedation (Moderate Conscious)

Oral sedation involves taking a dose of prescribed anti-anxiety medication (Triazolam) one hour prior to your scheduled procedure. It will put you in a "twilight" zone of comfort, where you will likely be in and out of sleeping. It has an amnesic effect, meaning that you will have little memory of your time with us. It’s important to note that with oral sedation, we do require you to arrange for someone to escort you to and from your appointment. 

Intravenous Sedation

In a moderate-deep sedation state, you will likely be asleep through the whole surgery. Intravenous sedation is performed by injecting the sedative through your blood stream via an IV drip. We require patients to fast for eight hours prior to their scheduled surgery, absolutely no food or beverages. Taking of your usual daily medications will be discussed prior to treatment. A driver is needed to escort you to and from your appointment

Learn More about Periodontal Services

  • Scaling and Root Planing
  • Osseous Surgery
  • Laser Therapy
  • Crown Lengthening
  • Soft Tissue Grafting
  • Extractions/Bone Grafting
  • Orthodontic Exposures
  • Platelet-Rich Therapy
  • Teeth Cleaning
  • Periodontal Maintenance
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