Prescriptions were sent to your preferred pharmacy prior to your surgery appointment. Follow the instructions on your
bottle or package. Take all medications with food. Please inform us if you have any issues with the medications.
In some cases, swelling and external bruising may occur, extending under the eye and chin. Apply ice pack to the outside
of the face over the area of surgery at 10-minute intervals (10 minutes on / 10 minutes off) as much as possible for the
first 48 hours. Swelling usually peaks by the third day. Ice cubes in a plas(c bag, or a bag of frozen peas, work well for an
ice pack.
Post-operative seepage is normal for several hours after the surgery and even overnight. Do not be concerned if traces of
blood are noted in the saliva up to 3 days after surgery. Do not rinse the mouth vigorously as disruption of the blood clot
may occur possibly leading to dry socket. If heavy bleeding continues, use the gauze from your post-op bag provided or a
damp tea bag to place firm pressure on the area for 30 minutes. If bleeding does not subside, please call us immediately.
If you have sutures placed, they will loosen and “hang” after swelling subsides. They are meant to dissolve completely.
This can occur one day post-operatively up to one week. All sutures are meant to dissolve within the mouth and it is fine
if you swallow them. They will likely come out in pieces. You may trim them carefully but DO NOT pull the sutures as
other materials may come out. DO NOT PULL YOUR LIP TO LOOK AT SURGICAL SITE. If you had grafting performed tissue
grafting or bone grafting), the surgery area will change in appearance from day to day presenting with a variety of colors
ranging from red/brown to white and pulling the lip to view the surgery site can loosen sutures and cause disruption of
If you had a free gingival tissue grafting procedure performed, a healing surgical dressing is applied to the roof of your
mouth. This will likely dislodge within 24-48 hours (which is normal). It may also stay in the oral cavity for up to a week, if
your tongue avoids disrupting it. It may be swallowed. There is also an overlying layer of tissue glue over the graft site.
This will become dislodged after 2-5 days. It is normal to become loose and it may be swallowed or spit out. If bleeding
occurs, place gauze pressure for 30 minutes. If bleeding does not subside, please call us immediately.
If you had a sinus procedure performed, DO NOT blow through your nose forcefully for two weeks. If you must cough or
sneeze, do so with your mouth open for two weeks. Keep your head elevated for the first 48 hours. Do not engage in any
strenuous activities for one week following procedure. Do not swim underwater or scuba dive/snorkel for a two-week
Do not use an electric toothbrush or waterpik surrounding your surgical site(s) un(l instructed to do so after your postop
appointment. You will be provided with a surgical soft toothbrush to use around the surgery site(s) during healing.
Gentle salt water rinse (1 teaspoon in 12 oz warm water) is to be performed approximately 2 (times/day. Begin day after
surgery and continue for 1-2 weeks. Do not vigorously swish!
For the first two days following surgery, soft and COLD foods only. For the remainder of the two-week healing period
prior to your post-operative visit, soft foods only. No chips, nuts, popcorn or other sharp foods that could get lodged in
the surgical site. Do not use a straw for the first two weeks. Cut your food into smaller pieces and chew on the opposite
side of the surgical site as much as possible.
Smoking and vaping are VERY detrimental to healing and will negatively affect the results of surgery. DO NOT SMOKE for
at least one week after surgery.
Plan to rest for the remainder of the day following surgery. Avoid heavy lifting and/or exercise (jogging, golfing, tennis,
diving, swimming) for 72 hours following surgery. These activities could cause further bleeding/discomfort as well as
disrupt the healing process.
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to call the office at 941-927-4308.
Paradise Periodontics provides exceptional periodontal care to the Sarasota community.
Paradise Periodontics. All rights reserved.